Thursday, November 06, 2008

Now I feel like blogging :D
Ok lets see..


School : Kinda normal..{BORING}
Watched a bit of Alvin and The Chipmunks before going for 45min PE :D

Played doubles with YiQing then singles with Natalie and LeYun {She Keep Smashing :S}
Then Claudia and Clare requested for a change in opponents..
So YiQing and I played with the people who Claudia and Clare were playing with..

Came back from recess had to sort out the recycling stuff...
Stupid turpentine spilled everywhere...
Wanted to get a lighter or matchstick and see what happens if i drop it, lighted. :D:D
Super stinky like sniffing drug so whole lot of us sit outside..
Then teacher scold ask us go back in and help :S
Gila ke apa dia?

Then watched more Alvin and the Chipmunks while loadsa ppl playing the Murderer, Detective game thing...

Suddenly wanted to make stuff with FILO string so brought it to school and loadsa people wanted to pass time making FILO keychains etc. >.<...


Others : Trying to cut down on comp and find other stuff to entertain myself :S
Playing with FILO strings making stuff to give away :}
Sit Ups...

Krish coming over to play wii and probably staying over!
Wii past midnight ::D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D


Thats all i say today { that sounds weird :S NVM :D }

Vinita :}


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