Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I just wanna apologise to Doreen for writing that because i was in a bad mood that time..
I don't quite know you so i shouldn't concluded that.
I'm Sorry.

Don't pon the Halloween Party just cause of me cause we hardly know each other and I would love to mind restart over..
Go for Alf and not anyone else..
You are one of her closest friend and just don't do this cause i let a few words slip..

Once again im sorry..

Vinita :}

School was boring as usual but at the start it was awesome..

Four mats put together..
Loadsa people playing :D

Then got bored so it was CHEAT MANIA early then more BLACKJACK :D:D
Need more things to do!


Just got back from Alf's place..

Deco her place for HALLOWEEN!
Me, Clare, Natalie, Claudia and Doreen were there..

Nat was there first then i came..

Alf launched a bomb bag attack on Alex in his room..
Then when alf was not in her room..
Alex bomb bagged me and Nat twice.. Directly where i was standing :S

That set off a chain reaction..
We pushed and pushed Alex's room door with much effort and Alf sprayed him with Confetti spray!

He attacked once more when Nat and I were hiding in Alf's room..
Nat was against the door but he came in through the conjoint toilet but i was ready..
I was standing in front of the toilet with confetti spray..
As he threw the bomb bag, I sprayed his face with the spray :P

Then things went a bit nuts..

Before long alf had to pick up Doreen from the MRT but then found out she was at Harbourfront..
* you banana *
Made Alf wait for some time and when she was waiting, Clare and Claudia appeared..

Slacked in Alf's room until she got back then we slacked big time before doing work..

The house looks pretty good but we still need some extra work done on Friday :D
Then it'll look awesome!

I didn't quite get along with Doreen..
Hardly talked to her but her attitude seemed like one I could never get along with.. :S
Sorry to say that but yea..

Had a blast at her place :D

2 days to Halloween!!
1 day to Wizard Of Oz..
{FINALLY..wanna LMAO :D}

Viiiinitaaa :}

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

School kinda starting to rock..

Today i brought my TWISTER :D
So we played some twister which landed some of us in awkward positions and got asses smacked with the box by CARISSA {gotta get myself used to that name}

Some people started playing and it put me off...
So i opted out many many times..

Then recess..
Then ate the stuff i brought to school..
{Tmr i aint bringing so much :S}

Had to edit some slides for the recyling project :S
I did the content and An Chi did the designing..

Then went back to playing Twister ..
Got bored with it though..

So got some people sit around and play Blackjack..
Natalie refused to start betting :S
Not even on food.. :' (
{No fun luh you Nat..}

We just played for fun..

I learnt how to play CHEAT and I am loving it :D
Test of how well you can lie to save yourself from a situation {Card game though}

Played and slacked a bit after school..
Came home and On comp..

Cant go training this week cause of the Musical the school asked us to go for..
It better be good cause im missing training for this..
And Sir is bringing CAKE to training to treat us and im missing it :'( :'(

So yea..
Thats bout it..

Viiiiinitaaaa :}

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Getting damned bored at home so I went out yesterday to get some stuff for Deepavali..
I got indian sweets that I looove :D
And henna :D

YAY pics :D

Ok nvm..
I gonna get some damned nice henna when i go to India..
Intricate designs that cover the whole hand :D
No feet henna for me though..
Not too keen..
Feet henna is for those getting married but sis says " you dont have to get married to do it on your feet! "
Still Not getting :P


Yesterday was darrin's birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY..
Debbie you got his birthday wrong -.=
whatev :P


Totally addicted to

Im off to play :P

Vinitaaa :}

Friday, October 24, 2008

Its back to norm again. Anyone can read the blog..

Was avoiding somebody but the person complained and made me add the person..
Not saying who..


My ass hurts... :' (
I fell on my butt during ice skating and i hit my head..
Wonder how bobo survived yesterday..

I wanna be like those girls who were skating like pro's :S

Today there were as usual.. americans ice skating..
And today there were Koreans..
More Korean boys than girls..
Who knew boys around my age or younger could ice skate that well?

Other than that..
Gonna miss it..

Mum said i still can go skate some day..
I wanna go back there on mine/ LeYun's Birthday..
BOBO you're getting the MILO truck :P la..joking..

Came home from Ice Skating to find i giant blister filled with water... :' (

Yesterday was almost late for taekwondo..
Went to buy Mamo a birthday pressie..

* His bdae was yesterday! *

Then dropped it off at his place and sprinted all the way to the basketball court...
I was the 4th one there :D

Very few people showed up cause exams were on the next day..
Eng Kong showed up again after months but Eng Hua quit again..

Jovi showed up though :D
Sir Sunny only dropped by..

Training was damn slack..
2 People had to see Jovi after training.. HHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA.. suckers :P

The boys refuse to take part in the "games" and refused to do forfeit with the losing teams..

Walking home and saw mom and kina going to buy ice cream..
Bought ice cream and went home :D


Thats about it..
Vii :}

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Privated my blog :P
Been putting it off for soo long alr.
If anybody you guys know wanna see my blog, ask them email me at

Maybe i might un-privatize it soon >.<


Ice skatingggg!!!!
SO damned fun :D

Although Bobo and YiQing would beg to differ...
I can go pretty fast now..
Quite good considering its my first time on the ice and i have never roller bladed before :P
I almost fell 11 times in total but never fell in the end :D

YiQing sat out during the training part D:
She has her reasons and its shhhh stuff!

Bobo is doing well..
Going slow but she'll get it soon..

I did over 20 rounds..
kinda lost count..

Went super slow with YiQing for a few rounds during our free 2 hours...
Trying to teach her :D

Pulled beverly around for half a round..

Cant wait to go back tomorrow :D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:
I high just thinking of it..

Some eurasian kids who were waayyy younger than me could skate like damned pro's.
Backwards, in circles, spinning fast fast..

I got stuck in group B cause i sucked at first..
Once we got our free 2hrs then i got the hang of it and could go damned fast and can swivel or whatever its called :D

Gonna try to get into group A :D

Feet were damned sore at the end cause it kept rubbing on the skates..
* wearing thick thick socks tmr :D *

Came home and here I am..
Gonna go eat..
I'm damned hungry..

Veniita x3

Alf just left my place...

She was over to take some songs and we ended up playing on the comp and talking and MSN-ing and even Facebooking :D
Of course the lil sis butted in and got me pissed but I wont elaborate on that...

Mom made Samosa's and Cheese rolls and juice :D


Loadsa people are copying stuff leh..
Feels weird.. :S

People are using my ' :} ' and Alf's ' ^^' and her weird talk..

So sad :' (


School sucks now ..
There is absolutely nothing to do..

Playing soccer.. Teacher scold..
Duwan play board games..
Cannot sleep.. So noisy.. And some people tried ramming my soccer ball at me when i was dozing off :S

Maybe i bring twister?

We never finished watching " She's The Man "

Now even P6 night and P6 fair is cancelled..


I gotta watch Dark Knight by this week...
I watch this weekend..

Im gonna do Henna this weekend :D:D
I likey Henna..


Ice skating tomorrow :D

Hopefully Bobo and YiQing come....


Thats all..

Sunday, October 19, 2008

ACHMED rocks <3

Duwan blog so im posting this awesome video :D

"God damnit. Oo. No. Allah damnit "
" SILENCE.. I kill you "
" alllooooo. I am Lindsay Lohan! "

Watch carefully after he says " What the hell happened to my feet? "
Thats a classic :D

Those are some of my favourite lines :D

And this is Walter :D

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Been waking up late recently cause of PSLE marking days..

Today woke up at 11.11am exactly :D
soo cool..

Never go taekwondo yesterday..
Was damned hungry and tired..

Got sms from lydia telling me to train..
saying i PS her :P

Then Siu Yan called me..

SY : " One question.. Training tonight or not? "
VII :" nope.. not tonight "
SY :"ehhh.. Why? I prepare everything already leh "
VII :" duwan la..not tonight.. I hungry and tired.. You go train la.."
SY :" You watch out..! "
VII :" ok sure.. I'll watch out for you! "

then she hung up :S

Lydia smsed me that the grader said she was one of the best blue belts at grading so..

Siu Yan and Siu Leong still went and trained..
Jovi said me, Lydia and Siu Leong are supposed to handle the class when Sir Sunny is teaching..


Im in love with playing Pet Society and Bowling buddies on Facebook..
Im in love with CADBURY!!!!

Im getting bored with my music D;
Im getting bored doing nothing on the comp D;

Anybody knows nice nice bands & songs please tell me :D

thankiies for getting me the Dark Knight movie !!


Gotta start working out soon..
Bring alf go stadium then we run and then can sit up, push up :D
then at least i got company :D
Anyone else wanna come?


People's blogs are still dead :S
Mine shall live..


When i go INDIA..
Mom said Riali will be there :D:D:D:

Riali is my lil almost 2year old cousin from Germany :D
I get to play with a lil kid :D

I wanna meet my cousins in AUSTRALIA :D
The lil girl cousin has grey eyes!!!
Im jealous..
but maybe they have australian accents?

Australian accents are hot :P


Think im done here :D

Vii :}

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just got back from some shopping spree..

Wore a hoody that was bought for a dude cuz and my cargo pants :D
Mom said i looked like a dude with my hair down and dressed like that.. -.=

Went in search for parts of my Joker outfit..

Went all the way to concourse looking for party shop..
Then found out they shifted..
Then went all the way to.. uh.. damnit i forgot -.=

Oh yea.. went to middle road..
Found 3 shops in a row :D:D

Got the make up stuff i need and some other stuff..

Then went in search of a vest...
Went to Bugis Junction..

Damned expensive the stuff there..
1 vest is $120 :S

Looked around for hours..
Getting distracted every few minutes..
Especially me.. :D
{ cant help it.. So many nice big shops with nice nice things }

Never bought anything i needed though..
Too expensive..

Then got doughnuts to eat...
Walked around some more..

On the way home,
Mom saw a shop that were selling nice stuff..
And Guess what?

They DID..
And nice ones..
That weren't expensive..

And got a nice shirt for myself to match with the vest :D

Came home..
Tried it on..
And i look awesome in it :D

Add in the Make-Up and "BAM"

I got a personalized, Vii style joker :D
But the outfit d0esnt quite look like joker but somehow.. it does..

Gonna surprise loadsa ppl on 31 October :D

thats all for now..
Vii :}

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Woke up kinda late today but thats what weekends are for right?

Last night was chaotic and i loved it..


I made up this game called...

I wanna make a tkd base camp too :D
Me, Lydia, Siu yan?, Siu Leong?, Eng kong?,Eng hua?[those 4 gotta train to be in], Darrin, Voyce

But 1st i need a partner as 5* general..

5* general vinita
5* general carissa
Cadet fiona

To rank up..
The 5* generals must be bribed with chocs/candy..
preferably chocs and cookie hersheys

AHAHAHHAH..candy extortion :D

Ok..Thats the game :D

Was on msn till 11?
As I said, had a fight with fiona's cuz..
The kid lied bout his age D;
Thought he was 10 so we made him a lieutenant..
then found out he was the kid who i fought with..
Then 5* General carissa fought with him -.=

There was total chaos as Cadet fiona's cuzins were over and bouncing between her acc & matt's
I kept saying "MATT/ RYAN/ ROYCE.. quit it" on and on..
Then i knew who was who without having them to say who was on..
At least i knew who was Ryan..
The kid kept typing in "alibaba"

Me and clare were like lil babysitters..
"why did you hit her? You should not hit her. MATT.. dont hit her..Dont send those winks" etc.

Thats why i loved it <3

Now only Mavis and gabi are online.. D;
And mavis not replying..
bug gabi :D

Vii :}

You Are 60% Boyish and 40% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.

Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.

You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.

You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

This is for halloween >.<

Your Unique Costume is Tattoo Freak

Get your freak on!

" Lolli Lolli Lolli Lolli . Let me see you pop that body. "

Woke up and headed off for Cedar sec..
Damn la..
So sleepy in the morning..

But the current holding school not so impressive but in Oct. 2009 they moving back :D
The new school looks like some posh school :D but kinda is in a isolated place..
Saw Amelia, Elena, SuFang there..

But 1 big big problem..
THE DAMNED T-SCORE IS 250!?!?!?!?!?!

Praying hard..
If not im back in PL.. >.<

If i ever can get a score like that..
Im going to athletics..
Saw the shoe that they got from nike and it rocks :D:D
Got some chip in the shoe then linked to a wrist watch..
Tells ya how far you ran and no. of steps you took..:D:D:D

Then go home..
Buy lunch for mum then went off to tkd grading with hersheys in my mouth..
Couldnt find lydia or JiaQi..
then saw all blue belts leaving the hall to go train then met lydia outside..
Helped her train her pattern cause her hand was freezing cold..

i think this time round loadsa ppl gonna fail..
If not i say the grader "mata potek".. lol.. means blind..
Lydia can get a double i think..

Grabbed lunch at macs with lydia..
Went home..
Chit chat with mum..
Then went for track..

Did the usual 2rounds warm up then waited a while..
sms-ed alf and darrin for a bit..
Nobody showed up so i ran 3 more rounds then i got bored..
And my Ipod batt was about to die..
So i went home..

Came online all sweaty..
Chat with Anisha, Fii, Jessie
Then Jessie had to go teach a kid..

Fii's cuz came on and started name calling so i fought..
Then the kid called me a malay kid so i told him off in malay :D
Then mom nagged to go shower cause I sweaty..
I came online and she went for dinner.. -.-
So no continuation of the fight..

Now chatting with darrin and Anisha..

Ok..Long enough for today..

Vii :}

Friday, October 10, 2008


The moron hijacked my laptop.. -.-
come to my place..
own me at wii [shuddup..I nvr play for a nong nong time lar D;]
I eventually owned him :D
Then hijack my laptop D;
Nvm.. his bdae i dun say nothing..

We got seriously delayed..
Alf wasnt ready when i was at the stadium to pick her up..
WenJing and Fiona weren't sure where to go..
We couldnt find Bobo at kovan..
Claudia insisted on taking the train which took us longer..

We are sooo problematic :D:D

Made sure we got the tickets for our movie..
they had HOUSE BUNNY :D:D

so we got the tickets then went for lunch at Pepper Place or sth liddat..
shared a teriyaki chicken thing with WenJing..
Who knew we had to cook it ourselves on a hot plate?

Then headed off to Jubilee for ARCADE!!
When we reached there it was somehow isolated so we stood there looking around and then "whack" ..
I felt somebody kick me..
I was about to run after bobo when i saw another *banana standing there -.-
Banana in white..
Kick me for what? say hi la.. -.-

Then banana go buhbyes.. and we wanted to play until we realised its not tokens..
I sms the banana and banana lent me the TAPZ card..
But claudia remembered she had hers -.-
But we top up banana's one and spent it :D
* thx for the 40cents :D treat me and my frens kay? thankiies :D *

Then rushed back to watch the movie..
I loved it <3<3
So bimbotic.. I suddenly feel so smart :D:D

Then walk walk walk..
Then another *shorty came too..

Slowly walked fii to the mrt..
by the time we got there bobo and i had to leave..
So i called WenJing to say buhbyes to everyone..

Then go tkd..
Jovi came..

kena kicked again..
Spar with a short junior..
She kicked my hand and my nice finger hurts till now..

Then spar with Lydia..
I defend and my arm pain..
My finger still hurted..
And our knees crashed..


ok i think its too long now..
Vii :}

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Now Im bored to death..

No homework..
Nothing to do..
mom doesnt like me online so much cause she scared i become comp addict..
[ what's so bad with becoming a comp addict? ]

oh yea..
Happy birthday shiv!!
Me cuz just turned 14 today :D
he's bored at home so he is on his way over to my place :D

dunno what to do.. -.-
maybe go play basketball?

You still got my volleyball leh..
I dont think i'll be going grading this Saturday too D;D;D;

Mom ytd barged across when training was going on to tell me about Cedar open house -.-
I like no face leh..
Suddenly when training is going on..
My mum strolls across D;

Oh yea..
Ytd's outing to AMK :D:D:D:D

oh shit.
shiv is here..
tell more ltr :D

Vii :}

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

PSLE is sooo over :D:D:D
Now the dreaded results... -.=

Im going around spamming blogs with " PSLE is overrr!! :D:D"
Thats right..
Im hyper..

Now can get the comp all day..
Gonna play wii..
Work out extra..
Go running and im gonna annoy alf to run with me :D

Tmr going out :D:D
Watch some chinese horror movie ..
Hopefully got subtitles or else me, alf and bobo are gonna walk around AMK hub uselessly..
No arcade there some more :S

Dad's in Bangkok when all this crap is going on..
Mom was worried sick so i called him..
he didn't know what was going on and said " ok.. I go down to town see what going on"
I was like " WTH?!?"

Then he said he got me a pair of Victoria Beckham jeans :D
From the Rock and Republic line :D:D
Its damned nice.. :D:D

Some ppl still got HMT so..

Good luck to all HMT girls even if i dont quite know you..

im gonna do daily posts now :D

So adios for today
Vii :}

Monday, October 06, 2008

2 papers down..
2 to go..

English was tricky but other than that not so bad..
Hopefully i can still get an A at least..

Math was kinda managable..
Left one 2mark question blank though.. D;
I tried for a long long time..
I know i probably cant get an A* for math..

Tmr got Malay compo and paper ..

Still kinda nervous..
Maybe im just gonna play with my sis spring toy tonight again..
while walking around like some zombie with no soul..
Just the bodie wondering around with a spring like thing in one hand and cadbury in the other..
Sounds so cool right :D:D

Me and LeYun went to bobo's place cause LeYun had to use the bathroom just when we left sch..
She got a damn nice place la..
Other than the fact there is a door handle missing.. -.-
Still say she damn shy bout her hse...
when she comes over to my place after PSLE she will think her hse damn nice..
my place is too small..
Need a bigger hse..

Alf is keeping something from me D;
i trust her and I know it aint sth bad cause she aint that bad..
She even talked to my mom !?!

All blogs are seriously dead..
Everyone is being so good?
everyone is studying?

Cant wait for PSLE to end then i can slack big time.. :D:D
And go india sooner :D

I miss everyone there!!
Kshitej, Ishpreet, Harmeet, Vignesh, Animesh and everyone else :D
Cant meet Simran and Paayal though D;
I have never met Paayal before D;

After PSLE im gonna do daily posts :D
Or at least try..
Shit the laptop battery is gonna die soon D;

Adios amigos
Vii :}

Friday, October 03, 2008

oh yea

Good luck to all P6s out there ;D 3 more subjects but 4 for HMT ppl..
We can pull through it!!
6 PATIENCE!! Love you guys <3

Vii :}
Couldnt resist D;

3 more papers and im free :D:D

Somebody was emo-ing big time just now..
Got slightly pissed but calmed myself down ;D

Fiona lemme see some pics so now i gonna show her some pics after PSLE ;D

After PSLE loadsa movies to watch especially Dark Knight.. ;D for a reason ;D Top secret ;D

Revise some math, malay, sci this weekend..
Saturday work then sunday relax day..
then monday math day D;
NVM..I will survive ;D
Hope i can get at least 240 D;

Nothing else to blog about D;

Vii :}