Overslept today and was a lil late for malay dance but apparently everyone overslept -_-
I was 2nd one there..
So dance dance dance, slack slack slack, play with one of the dance member's nephew..
He's damned playful sia.. Play with the netball until i scared for the netball..
Cant blame him... A P4 boy watching sec 1s and sec 3s dancing can be boring..
Yesterday taekwondo was slacked as usual..
Me, Siu Leong and Siu Yan went to sandbag to do some punching and kicking while sparring was going on then when sparring was over we went back to where everyone was..
Then Engkong say never spar with SL ( sorry, your name very long so shortcut luh :D ) then SL went to drink water or sth..
Then EK ( your name also very long so i shortcut also :D ) say never spar with me long time..
Then end up doing 2 vs 1; Me and SL vs EK..
Then change to triangle sparring..
Then Jovi changed the whole thing half way through..
When he shouts my name, both boys attack me, when he shouts EK's name, we attack him and same for SL..
I was like stunned..
Both corner me and attack sia..
I dunno how to defend or attack but i managed to kick their tummies a few times and got some punches in :DD
Then when Jovi shout SL's name he runs in between me and EK everytime! -_-
Basically he runs alot..
Then after training we were supossed to play netball with the guys but end up shooting and running around only..
I had my netball and SL had his basketball so just pass around and shoot shoot!
Now my back is screwed up..'
Dunno if I slept in a funny position or cause of taekwondo :(
Gonna ask mummy massage for meeee (L)
Hahahha :D