Prefect's installation is just over :)
I'm a full fledged exco member now! Head of Analogics!
I feel really proud of where I've landed myself.
I know my leadership skills may have their flaws here and there but I've grown as a leader :)
Leading the Netball team in sec 1, to leading a class as a monitor in sec 2, joining the prefectorial board in sec 3 and the sec 1s for their orientation camp and eventually making it to the exco to hopefully lead the school in the best way possible :)
It has been a fruitful journey thus far :)
This year's exco is really a great combination but we are still on the way of getting to know each other's working styles and gelling together.
Just one thing that really gets to me.
Do some people really look down on me?
Just because I'm small doesn't mean I can get pushed around. My size does not determine my leadership capabilities so I hope you won't get this abnormal impression that it does.
I may play around sometimes but when it comes to work, I mean serious business. Don't look down on me unless I have seriously wronged you.
Another concern is..
I would put the prefectorial board first but I don't want it to look like I purposely would skip CCA and jeopardize my CCA records. I will show up for trainings and everything as per normal but I think I lost confidence in myself as a netballer. But I'll do my best to persevere on :)